Other Scholarships

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Boyles-Eidson Scholarship Fund

Established in 2002 by Fred G. Eidson to provide scholarships for graduating high school seniors at Elkin High School in Surry County, NC.

Contact: Elkin High School Guidance Office at (336) 835-3858

Dr. Eugene Rossitch, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund

Established in 1998 by Eugene and M. Carmen Rossitch to provide scholarships for graduating high school valedictorians at Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School.

Contact: Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School Guidance Office at (336) 564-1010

Edward Kent Welch Memorial Scholarship

Established in 2009 by family and friends, in memory of Kent Welch, to provide scholarships to graduating high school seniors at Mt. Tabor High School who will attend UNC-Chapel Hill.

Contact: Mt. Tabor High School Guidance Office at (336) 703-6728

Emma Kapp Ogburn Memorial Fund

Established in 1946 by S.C. Ogburn, as a memorial to his wife, Mrs. Emma Kapp Ogburn, to provide scholarships to Forsyth County residents, who are of the Methodist denomination, and who will pursue education for the Methodist ministry or Christian education.

Download and submit completed applications to Stacy Holley at sholley@centenary-ws.org or contact her at 336-724-6311, ext. 1359

Download Emma Kapp Ogburn Application

Fred Colby Hobson Scholarship Fund

Established in 1994 by the Fred Colby Hobson Scholarship Fund Committee to provide scholarships to graduating high school seniors from Forbush High School, Starmount High School, and Yadkin Early College in Yadkin County, NC.

Contact: Forbush High School Guidance Office at (336) 961-4644, Starmount High School Guidance Office at (336) 468-2891, or Yadkin Early College at 336-386-3579

Hispanic League Scholarship

Established in 2013 by the Hispanic League to provide scholarships for past or present ELL or LEP students.

Contact: Hispanic League at info@hispanicleague.org or (336) 560-1881

J. Lee Keiger, Jr. Family Fund

Established in 1999 by J. Lee, Jr. and Martha Keiger to provide scholarships to graduating high school seniors at Alleghany High School in Alleghany County, NC.  

Contact:  Alleghany County Educational Foundation at (336) 372-5010

Jeannette Anderson Parker Memorial Scholarship Fund

Established in 2008 by friends, family, and the R.J. Reynolds High School Booster Club, in memory of Jeannette Anderson Parker, to provide scholarships for graduating high school seniors at R.J. Reynolds High School.

Contact: R.J. Reynolds High School Office of Student Services at 336-703-4146

Josh Gray Memorial Scholarship

Established in 2005 and was later endowed in 2010 by Jerry R. Gray and Debora L. Gray, in memory of Josh Gray, to provide scholarships to graduating high school seniors who are varsity soccer team members at Mt. Tabor High School.

Contact: Mt. Tabor High School Guidance Office at (336) 703-6700

Yadkin County Association of Educators (YCAE) Scholarship Fd

Established in 1996 by the Yadkin County Association of Educators (YCAE) to provide scholarships to graduating high school seniors whose parents are members of the YCAE.

Contact: Forbush High School Guidance Office at (336) 961-4644, Starmount High School Guidance Office at (336) 468-2891, or Yadkin Early College at 336-386-3579