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Established in 2021 by the Adam Foundation for graduating high school seniors who identify as LGBTQIA+
Established in memory of Air Force Major Earl Carlyle Brown in 2021 by his niece Lydia Patrick Jordan and supported by his family, friends and his home church, Springfield Memorial Baptist Church in Stanley, NC to provide scholarships to residents of Forsyth County NC who will pursue post-secondary education at two or four-year colleges or universities
Established in 2007 by Arthur G. and Susanne S. Weber to provide scholarships to graduating high school seniors who attend a Forsyth County high school in Forsyth County, NC and Alleghany High School in Alleghany County, NC
Established in 2021 by John W. Googe in memory of his parents to provide scholarships to students who reside in Forsyth County, NC and are enrolled in a nursing program at Forsyth Technical Community College or Winston-Salem State University
Established in 2022 by generous members of the Atkins graduating class of 1969 to provide scholarships to Forsyth County, N.C. residents who identify as Black or African American and who attended Winston-Salem Preparatory Academy or Atkins Academic and Technical High School.