Capacity-Building Grants

The Foundation makes Capacity-Building Grants for activities and projects that support adaptation, planning, and skill development so that nonprofits in Forsyth County, North Carolina can fulfill their missions and achieve outcomes that are more impactful.  

These grants also support diversity, equity, and inclusion training and coaching to support nonprofits as they advance racial equity within their organizations and through their work.

Does your organization serve animals? 
The Foundation now has a separate application process for Animal Welfare Grants.

KEY DATES: 2025 grant cycle
  •  January 31: application opens in the Grants Portal
  • March 17: application closes at 5:00 PM
  • Mid-June: notification of funding decisions
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What we fund


How does the Foundation assist local nonprofits in building their capacity?

The Foundation offers Capacity-Building Grants to nonprofits serving Forsyth County in four areas. Please check this website, e-news, and social media for specific submission deadlines each year. Every few years the Foundation also offers collective Capacity-Building opportunities within a specific area where several nonprofits can apply to participate in group learning.

Can you give examples of expenses that would or would not qualify for a Capacity-Building Grant?

First, your proposal should be focused on one of the four capacity-building areas in the boxes above. Grants can include a wide range of expenses, including consultants’ fees and new staff salaries. Capacity-Building Grants are not intended to fund program operations or service delivery, and equipment is a low priority.

Can I discuss my proposal idea with you before applying?

Yes, if you have a proposal idea you’d like to discuss, we’d like to hear from you! You're not required to meet with our staff before applying, but many nonprofits find it helpful to discuss their idea with our team. To schedule a conversation, contact us (below) at least one week before the application deadline. Note: we cannot guarantee a meeting close to the deadline due to increased call volume.

Do you offer multi-year grants?

Yes, we offer grants for one-year, two-year, and three-year periods. Multiyear grants are available for long-term projects within the identified capacity-building area. If you are interested in several areas of capacity building, those would be considered separate requests.

What grant amounts are available?

The maximum annual amount for a one-year project, or for the first year of a multi-year project, is $25,000. For multi-year grants, each additional year of funding (years 2 and 3, if applicable) will decline by 30% from the previous year.

Therefore, a two-year grant would not exceed $42,500, consisting of year 1 at $25,000 and year 2 at $17,500. A three-year grant would not exceed $54,750, with these maximum amounts: year 1 at $25,000, year 2 at $17,500, and year 3 at $12,250.

Can my organization receive more than one Capacity-Building Grant at a time?

Previously, nonprofits were limited to having only one Capacity-Building Grant open at the same time. However, given the Foundation's strong commitment to racial equity, this policy has changed. Organizations may have two funded Capacity Building Grants open at a time, so long as one of those is for diversity/equity/inclusion (DEI) work. (Organizations may have concurrent funding open for a Capital Improvement Grant, Small Grants, Focus Area Investments, and/or Strategic Initiative Grants.)

If we’re a faith-based organization can we apply for a grant?

We fund faith-based organizations (churches, synagogues, mosques) when the organization is providing a social service, as long as it doesn’t serve only the members of a single congregation or promote a particular religious doctrine. Read more in the document below.

Can we apply for a Capacity-Building Grant if we’re based outside of Forsyth County?

If your organization is based outside of Forsyth County but serves a wide geographic area that includes Forsyth County, the Foundation will consider a grant for the portion of the project that impacts Forsyth County. If you are based outside of Forsyth County and you also don't serve Forsyth County, you are not eligible to apply for capacity-building funding.

Who makes the final grant funding decisions?

While final grant decisions rest with our volunteer governing boards, our staff serve as dedicated liaisons for each funding opportunity.

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For more information
April Durr
Program Director, Responsive Grantmaking 607-5112